Why Riviera Bay's Park Owner Chose Harbur as the Preferred Manufacturer for Their Cafe/Bar Project — and Here’s Why…

Image: CGI by our Harbur Design Team

We caught up with Alastair, the park owner, and we're very grateful for his feedback on the process so far.

Partnership with Harbur Park and Leisure Homes: What motivated you to choose Harbur as your partner for this project?

Harbur Park and Leisure Homes are a company I have been watching for a couple of years. The product is impressive and very high-end in this industry. The completed constructions are of the highest quality; once inside, you feel like you are in a proper building, not a lodge or caravan.

Sustainability Aspects: How significant were the sustainability features, such as the sedum roof and underfloor heating, in your decision-making process and SIPs and building regs? Building regulations were a key issue in this development, as caravan manufacturers were not geared to deal with these specific issues. Harbur fills this gap due to its construction methods and the use of SIPS. The sedum roofs are something that we have implemented previously and wanted to replicate with this project. Underfloor heating is a real bonus as it frees up wall space for furniture.

Collaborative Journey: How has the collaboration between Harbur Park and Leisure Homes, and Riviera Bay evolved throughout this project?

I have been so impressed. The entire Harbur team are very passionate about this project. Hopefully, it’s been exciting and a new challenge for them as the first they have encountered requires the formation of multiple units being built off-site and joined together to create one building. Additionally, how we site this unit gives the impression that its actually bricks and mortar. It will not look or feel like a caravan, which is exactly what our aim was from the outset. Working with Harbur has allowed us to do this.

Impact of the New Facilities: What benefits do you foresee the café bar, gym, and swimming pool bringing to the holiday park, holiday home owners, and holidaymakers?

We want our private owners and holiday guests to be thrilled with what we create and enjoy using the space. The industry has changed dramatically over the last few years, and we want to move and adapt to this by creating a smaller, more upmarket park, which will attract and retain a solid and loyal customer base. Our vision for Riviera Bay Coastal Retreat is to stand out amongst our local, more traditional-style holiday park competitors and offer something rather unique, quiet and relaxing.

The Build so far…

Stay tuned for more updates as we progress with the construction and get ready to unveil a new chapter for Riviera Bay.

If you are looking to expand your holiday park facilities, or residential community, please get in touch: hello@hplh.co.uk


From Bricks-and-Mortar to Modern Methods: How Off-Site Manufacturing Transformed Our Latest Project.